Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for your best glow and best self.
Contouring 101
When you hear “ contouring,” doesn’t your mind immediately go to the bodybuilder comps? Well, contouring isn’t for bodybuilders. It’s for the everyday person to enhance what they already have, so no “drawing” on abs, but if you go it, I can enhance it for a slimmed and toned look!
Sunscreen 101
Despite common perception, all sunscreens are not safe for your skin! Find out which ones are Aglow-approved, safe for your skin, and safe for your tan!
Event Tans 101
So you have an event coming and you want to be glowing? One of the most common questions I always get is, “When do I schedule?”
Whiter Teeth are Simple
You are going to get results from this treatment. It is so simple and so effective.
Let’s talk sunless
Sunless tanning is the only safe way to tan. Trust me when I say that I know a tan looks good…
I’m sensitive (well, my teeth are)
At 25, I received my very first clean bill of health. No cavities. No fillings or caps needed. I’ve been motivated to keep it that way ever since…
Make your summer tan last
Summer has arrived. With summer comes heat and sweat, so let’s chat about how to make your tan last the absolute longest and keep you glowing.